***Real estate investing contains substantial risks which are inherent in anything associated with time, given the uncertainty surrounding some event or future state. Risk is bi-directional, with both upside and downside elements, and it must be clear that investing in real estate, directly or indirectly, involves assessing a set of assumptions. The major causes of risk in real estate include, but are not limited to, risks related to data and informational issues and risks associated with unforeseen changes in the competitive and regulatory environments. In general, there are three primary levels of real estate risks which include enterprise-level risks, regulatory/market-level risks and property risks; all of which must be assessed to properly evaluate the opportunity set.***
Private placements are speculative, involve a high degree of risk, are illiquid and an investor can lose all the money they invest.
““Paddington Stone Capital offers securities through Stonehaven, LLC which is a member of FINRA/SIPC (https://brokercheck.finra.org/individual/summary/2911176). Regulatory disclosures: Disclaimers & Risks, Privacy Policy, and Form CRS. Each member of Paddington Stone Capital is a Registered Representative of Stonehaven, LLC